Lazarus House - Food Only Program
Location: St. Charles, Illinois
"For many people, by the time they’ve paid their bills, there’s simply not enough left over for food. Lazarus House offers a Food Only program that provides up to three hot meals per day for these individuals and families.
We serve men, women, and children who are connected to Batavia, Geneva, St. Charles, and western rural Kane County by address, employment, school or immediate family member."
Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry
Location: Aurora, Illinois
To continue the legacy of Marie Wilkinson, the Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry is dedicated to meeting the hunger needs of individuals and families in Aurora and surrounding communities by educating, empowering and enlightening people to be self-sustainable through collaborations and partnerships.
Northern Illinois Food Bank
Location: Geneva, Illinois
Follow the link above to find a locator map to the nearest food pantry. The Northern Illinois Food Bank partners with 900 feeding programs across 13 counties including mobile pantries and Summer Food Service programs.
