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Clean Living With Zoe Sherwin: Sweet & Savory Snacks

Are you a sweet or savory person? For me, it is impossible to distinguish a favorite since I'm always eating one or the other. In my mission to provide healthy alternatives for the whole family, I love supporting brands that truly care about living sustainably and using natural ingredients.

I’m excited to share these additive-free, organic, and tasty snacks that have become our household favorites. 

Off The Eaten Path Veggie Crisps - A mix of air popped rice cakes with extraordinary flavor! Organic and vegan. I find giant bags of these at Costco! Besides a healthy snack, I love the fact that this company stores their crisps in commercially compostable packaging.

Hippeas - A.K.A. the vegan version of cheese puffs. Hippeas uses chickpea flour and spices that taste exactly like cheesy goodness (minus the cheese!) My kiddo has an aversion to cheese and these are a hit when I’m dishing out snacks. Hippeas are also nut-free so I can safely pack these for school lunches.

Rhythm Snacks - If you don't have the time to dehydrate and season your own snacks, Rhythm has got you covered! This crunchy snack can be enjoyed in plain, salted or seasoned options of everything from carrots, mushrooms, and broccoli to watermelon and beets. 

Rhythm Snacks has a Hive Five™ Certification process where every product produced is vetted for ingredient integrity, responsible sourcing, and great taste.

Tropical Fields Organic Crispy Coconut Rolls - These sweet treats are gluten-free, dairy-free and so light and crispy that they are a great replacement for traditional wafers. Made with roasted black sesame seeds, crispy coconut rolls are a great addition to ice cream, desserts, or even gift baskets!

 Allergy Call Out: these rolls are made with eggs!

Three Wishes Cereal - A high protein, low sugar, gluten-free, grain-free, vegan, and non-GMO cereal, Three Wishes is the perfect option during a rushed morning for the kids or when I'm feeling nostalgic about fruity, colorful rings of flavor. The best thing about Three Wishes is the ingredients: chickpea, pea protein, and monk fruit as opposed to bioengineered, artificial ingredients or artificial colors that can negatively affect our health. 

Pure Organic Fruit Bars - At 50 calories per bar and made with simple, delicious ingredients, Pure Organic Fruit bars are guilt-free when I’m having candy cravings. They are available at most grocery stores and Amazon. 

Brand bonus: Pure Organic is all about ending child hunger and they actively partner with No Kid Hungry.


About the Author:

Zoe Sherwin is a mom of two and a fierce advocate for feminine health and body positivity. From a young age, Zoe's Greek grandparents played a large role in her life. They displayed constant reminders that the simple way of living truly creates joy and pride.

Zoe is passionate about creating a life free of chemical additives and enjoys sharing her discoveries of products.

When Zoe isn't playing with her babies or researching products, she is baking high-quality and organic cupcakes for her home business, Harmony Bloom Home Cakery.

Need help finding a clean swap? Message Zoe at

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