After finding a therapist, accessing a divorce lawyer is the second request I receive from women. These messages are always filled with guilt, shame, and the fear of the negative impact divorce will have on their kids.
I am so proud to feature Anique Drouin of Drouin Family Law LLC to speak about filing for divorce when you have children during the next MDW Saturday Expert Series.
Anique understands the questions and concerns parents have when considering a divorce.
"There is such a thing as a “good divorce” and it is possible to achieve a win-win solution that shields your children from potential negative side effects of this stressful process."
In this 1-hour chat, Anique will discuss:
Options for reaching a peaceful resolution focused on goals and interests and not a win/lose dichotomy found in a traditional litigated court case.
How to protect your children in a divorce and what should be avoided
How to help your children through this life transition (along with some “Dos and Don’ts”)
The typical trajectory for a contested, litigated court case and how that differs from other alternatives
How are children’s needs and best interests accommodated in alternative dispute resolution methods
Saturday, May 6, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
In-person at the St. Charles Library OR via Zoom for your privacy
If you have specific questions you would like to ask and cannot attend in person, email me at themoderndomesticwoman@gmail.com or fill out this Google form
St. Charles Library - Bisbee Conference Room
1 South 6th Ave.
St. Charles, IL
Cost: FREE
About Anique:

Anique Drouin of Drouin Family Law LLC started her career as a family law attorney while still in law school. She served as a student attorney at the University of Baltimore Family Law Clinic and served as a student mediator in the Mediation Clinic at the school.
From the very beginning of her legal career, Anique has felt a purpose and calling to help families work through the transition and changes brought on by divorce using methods that build consensus and cooperation, rather than create more animosity, especially when there are children involved.
After passing the Illinois Bar exam in 2007, Anique completed training in the Collaborative Divorce Process that same year and completed her 40-hour mediation training in 2009. Also in 2009, Anique completed the training necessary to be a court-appointed Guardian ad Litem (an attorney whose role is to represent the best interest of any minor children involved in the legal matter) and she is an approved guardian ad Litem in Kane and DuPage counties.
Focusing on family law matters for over 16 years, Anique has facilitated countless mediations as a neutral mediator and represented dozens of clients using the Collaborative process. After also having a successful litigation career for 16 years, in addition to mediation and Collaborative work, Anique has started her own law firm with a focus on amicable divorce and alternative dispute resolution.
Her website Droiun Family Law welcomes you to learn about various process options that help meet goals while using non-adversarial approaches to dispute resolution. These methods keep the power in the hands of the spouses/parents, rather than having a judge who has little to no knowledge or understanding about the family or the children’s needs.
For more information reach out to Anique at anique@drouinfamilylaw.com or 630-560-6840