by Elizabeth Rago

A lot has happened in 2020, to say the least. It's almost like we're living in an episode of the Twilight Zone and it's caused me to step back and seriously evaluate what's important in my life, how I can help make change in the world, and tangible ways I can impact the people I come in contact with on a daily basis.
It sounds terrible, but I really think there is no hope for changing the attitudes of most adults. Real change - I mean groundbreaking movements that will destroy the established foundations of hate, sexism, and racism - lies completely with young people.
While I love empowering women with The Modern Domestic Woman, my heart is moved to shift my purpose to the youth of this world. To empower them to keep pushing for greatness, to help them dig deeper and further dismantle the bad wiring of the past to make headway for an American that can be great.
A different definition of great, in fact, great is even a weak word for what I propose this country can be for future generations.
We have the opportunity to be:
Radical in love.
Excellent in compassion.
Upstanding in equality.
Dynamic and thoughtful in leadership.
Some find kindness to be weak, but opting to love instead of hate is one of the most powerful emotions, so mighty and brave and decidedly more impactful and sustainable in the long run. Peace washes over you when you lead with love, it's contagious and leaves you always wanting more.

I'm taking a hiatus from The Modern Domestic Woman's social feeds and pouring my energy into a new mission, rallying the young people of the world to stay committed to questioning the old wiring of their upbringing and move forward with an unwavering mission of change.
For years, I've published articles and interviews, stories of excellent women in my community and around the world who may not top the headlines of major news sources, but they're certainly at the top of the MDW spotlight to inspire, empower, and propel you forward to help identify and encourage you in life.

But I need to change my focus, still helping, but in a different capacity.
A master's degree in secondary education sounded like a good place to start, so in April I enrolled at Grand Canyon University to explore the ins and outs of modern instruction and position myself to dive into a learning environment and start talking, and listening, to young people.

Next, I'm exploring educational policy and the laws set in place to guide curriculum, establish equality in educating, and further explore and foster social emotional learning (SEL) in schools.
Because excellent and sustainable change lies within the young people of the world.
I'm not giving up on adults, far from it, but I'm ready for a shift in my career.
The blog at will be active and MDW on Facebook and Instagram will be live again sometime in the future with silly memes, uplifting quotes, and memorable women of the world. MDW is a one woman show, and it's hard to keep up with interviews, morning pretties, garden walks, social media engagement, etc., and simultaneously raise three kids, work, keep a household together, exercise (HA!), and be a kind partner to my husband.
If you'd like to keep in touch and get notifications on future blog posts, subscribe to MDW by scrolling to the bottom of the main page and enter your email address to get monthly updates.
In the meantime, surround yourself with a support system, a mental (and physical) health entourage of providers like a therapist, a solid general practitioner that's vested in long-term, sustainable health, and a few friends who get your crazy and are willing to listen when you're down and out and be your loudest cheerleader when your on the up and up.
xo, Elizabeth Rago
Feel free to email me at if you need support service referrals beyond or a happy hello!

About the author: Elizabeth Rago is a mama, wife, and the creator of The Modern Domestic Woman (MDW). Starting with silly beginnings writing about home decor and DIY projects, Elizabeth found MDW to be a happy distraction from her stressful life.
After a series of unfortunate events including job loss, a car accident, bankruptcy, and a physical and emotional breakdown, Elizabeth felt compelled to shift the primary focus of MDW from pretty pictures and goofy memes to a space of honest support for the modern woman.
Learn more about Elizabeth at